Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year. New Blog.

As 2009 begins, I feel the need to pause and show gratitude for the blessings of 2008. Here are just a few of our highlights.

May - Family Trip to Oregon

May - Graduation

May - Grandma and Grampa Bear Visit

June - Visit from Grandma Wright

July - Family Celebration of Kent's Retirement

August - Cailey's Broken Nose

Summer - A new addition to our family

Summer - Distruction of the Deck

September - Camden's Baptism

September - Football and Family...It doesn't get any better than that!


  1. Hi Stephanie!
    I saw that you had a blog in your facebook update today and had to check it out. Your family is beautiful! So nice to catch up after, what, 15-20 years?!!

  2. Hey, the new and improved blog looks great! Hope you'll have lots and lots of great and exciting experiences to update it with this year. Hope you're having fun with Chey and Mark! Wish I was there too!

  3. HEY I just noticed that one of those pics is of Bran playing football at my house! I miss Bran!
