Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye Summer

There is a saying that says "the one constant in life is change" and this summer our Tucker Family has seen it's share of changes.  Now that the dust has settled and school is back in session we thought we would take a minute to look back on this summer's events and pick the moments that meant the most to us.


Camden's highlights are summed up by all things motorized.

First off, in honor of his Uncle Mark's Triathlon he voluntarily buzzed off his hair (so Uncle Mark wouldn't have to) and sported a mohawk for the event.  Tanner took advantage of the free do, as did Bryce (thank goodness).  The deal was he could sport the mohawk for the weekend, but come Sunday it had to be history.  Luckily enough he did as I asked and the hair was gone a few days later.  (I have to admit that he did look cute though.)

His second favorite pick for the summer was learning how to operate a weight sensored lawn mower by his Aunt Stacy. I mention the weight sensor because any normal person would realize that the weight sensor is an added safety feature, however to a Skillman safety features are more like guidelines thus optional and should come with on/off switches.  Needless to say, the mower would work when Camden had a passenger, however, when he was on his own the machine would stop.  To remedy the safety issue Stacy just grabbed a couple 20 pound bench press weights and off Camden went.  He loved every minute!!

And last, but not least, Camden LOVED hanging out with his cousin Connor.  Unfortunately, he had one week without the Con Man when he was away at scout camp, but when they were together they had Lego wars, Nerf gun wars, played the wii, and jumped on the tramp.  His most favorite day was when we went to Emigrant Lake and went tubing.  They were smiling from ear to ear!

 Cailey (in her own words)

 Instead of "Favorite Day," I thought I would do "Favorite Summer." My "Favorite Summer" was hangin with Sheralyn. We had many great moments. Eating Dinner and talking with Sheralyn in the front yard was fun. We talked about Oregon and Utah and how different they are. We also talked about life just in general. Another funny moment was trying to teach Sheralyn how to burp.

I also had a great time watching Uncle Mark do the Tri. It takes a lot of time and energy to do a tri. I would like to "put my shoes back on" and "Give it a Tri. Thanks Uncle Mark for your help and support! I would also like to Thank Uncle Mark and Dave Peterson for the blessing they gave me in Utah. It helped me be calm and relaxed.

Aunt Stacy, I had many great and fun moments with you too. Boating was be far the best, you really helped me get in the water and taught me some that I think is really fun. I really appreciate you helping our family when we are in times of trouble.

Gramma Bear and Grampa Bear, I had so much fun seeing you. Gramma Bear I had so much fun shopping with you and talking to. I loved spending time with you and can't wait to see you again. Grampa Bear, I had so much fun at your retirement party. Meeting your friends and family was fun and I hope I get to see them again. Happy Retirement Lee Welf!

All of my younger but taller cousins (or the ones getting close), I had so much fun with with you all. I love you Conner, Chloe, Maddie, Jenna, and all your friends that I got to meet, can't wait to see you next year!

Uncle Scott and Aunt Wendy you both bring positive vibes our way! Aunt Wendy thank you for the pancake cake and the broil cake, personally I don't like pudding anymore. :) Uncle Scott thanks for the hike. It was fun to see all of you hiking! I had so much fun with Bryce, Maddie, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Scott the hike was fun hope to do it next year!

Dani it was so fun to see the way you changed and found yourself in Italy. I want to go there and see the different culture that you had a chance to live in for 10 months.

Thank you to all of the family for your support.
Ci vediamo la prossima estate!!
Love Cailey :)


This summer I found joy in all the little moments.  We didn't need to be doing anything in particular, we just needed to be together.  And what I found was amidst all the change there was (and is) always one constant: FAMILY.  This is what motivates me to get out of bed each morning and put one foot in front of the other.  Here are just a few highlights caught on camera:

Stacy being a cheerleader.
Cailey off to Girls Camp.

If in doubt throw it out (or give it to Wendy).

A rare moment.

The picture says it all!! :)
Enjoying the lake.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! BRING SUMMER BACK! Your post made me miss it and all of you!! Love this post!!
